Azienda Agricola Summer Wolff
Az. Agr. Summer Wolff is the culmination of decades of dreams, ideas, study, curiosity, travel, failures, and successes all coming together. Watching, working with, building, and growing a winery together with her husband (Fabrizio Iuli) gave Summer inspiration and motivation, so she travelled Europe meeting small, young, and mostly unknown natural winemakers, learning about their stories, struggles, and accomplishments. Summer explains, “I day dreamt about what ‘my’ wine would be like, I quietly thought about what I may do differently after tasting wine after wine after wine. I honed in more and more after 20 years in the business on what makes my own palate tick… and finally a couple of years ago, with a nudge from my husband, decided it was time to make it.” For now, Summer has 2 hectares of land in the same valley as those of husband’s winery, Cascina Iuli and rents old vineyards of Freisa Piccola.
Imported by: Les Caves De Pyrène