I Forestieri

I FORESTIERI, Alta Maremma

Forestieri in Italian means ‘Foreigners’, and that’s what we are. This word binds us together, it’s the commonality we both share: Dario from Pisa and Ezequiel, born in Argentina, we crossed paths in Roccatederighi, in the Upper Maremma. Our vision was to make wines that represented our identity and that showcased the land with all its nuances. We started by recovering old vineyards in the area, the ones that best expressed the soils of our hillsides, and we soon found ourselves with a sprawling patchwork of parcels spread throughout the area. That’s when we began to conceive of wines that could truly capture the essence of the land, each wine distinct, each of its place. Why here? This area has a strong energy, a unique terroir that has always been used for traditional subsistence farming, far from industrial viticulture. These cultural aspects have made us free to make wines as we wish, without appellations – wines outside the box.

Imported by: Les Caves de Pyrène

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