Maria Ernesta Berucci

MARIA ERNESTA BERUCCI, Piglio, Lazio – Organic 

Maria Ernesta Berucci estate is in Latium region, Ciociaria territory. They are custodians of old vines and the terroir of the native grapes, Cesanese and Passerina del Frusinate together with other historic vines of this rural area. They produce wines from our vineyards conducted by olo-omeopathy method*, this for produce healthy grapes and olives without added chemicals. The same principles are applied to the final consumer. They consider our farmland from the perspective of complex systems, where every single living being performs a specific function for the benefit of the entire system. Particular attention is paid to promoting biodiversity, the vitality of the soil and the bioavailability of organic substances in order to keep the system in good health and productive. The wines come from the spontaneous fermentation by native yeasts. Natural clarification. Not yeast, enzymes or any other of winemaking product are added.

Imported by: Dogma Wines

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